Bias-Variance Trade-off in Physics-Informed Neural Networks with Randomized Smoothing for High-Dimensional PDEs
Published in SIAM Journal of Computational Physics (under review), 2023
Recommended citation: Z. Hu, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, G.E. Karniadakis, K. Kawaguchi, Bias-variance trade-off in physics-informed neural networks with randomized smoothing for high-dimensional PDEs, 2023, arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.15283.
Abstract: Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have triggered a paradigm shift in scientific computing, leveraging mesh-free properties and robust approximation capabilities. While proving effective for low-dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs), the computational cost of PINNs remains a hurdle in high-dimensional scenarios. This is particularly pronounced when computing high-order and high-dimensional derivatives in the physics-informed loss. Randomized Smoothing PINN (RS-PINN) introduces Gaussian noise for stochastic smoothing of the original neural net model, enabling the use of Monte Carlo methods for derivative approximation, which eliminates the need for costly automatic differentiation. Despite its computational efficiency, especially in the approximation of high-dimensional derivatives, RS-PINN introduces biases in both loss and gradients, negatively impacting convergence, especially when coupled with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms. We present a comprehensive analysis of biases in RS-PINN, attributing them to the nonlinearity of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss as well as the intrinsic nonlinearity of the PDE itself. We propose tailored bias correction techniques, delineating their application based on the order of PDE nonlinearity. The derivation of an unbiased RS-PINN allows for a detailed examination of its advantages and disadvantages compared to the biased version. Specifically, the biased version has a lower variance and runs faster than the unbiased version, but it is less accurate due to the bias. To optimize the bias-variance trade-off, we combine the two approaches in a hybrid method that balances the rapid convergence of the biased version with the high accuracy of the unbiased version. In addition to methodological contributions, we present an enhanced implementation of RS-PINN. Extensive experiments on diverse high-dimensional PDEs, including Fokker-Planck, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB), viscous Burgers’, Allen-Cahn, and Sine-Gordon equations, illustrate the bias-variance trade-off and highlight the effectiveness of the hybrid RS-PINN. Empirical guidelines are provided for selecting biased, unbiased, or hybrid versions, depending on the dimensionality and nonlinearity of the specific PDE problem.